Loker Law

What Should I Do if My Spouse Stole My Identity in California?

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When you get married, your life will become intertwined with your spouses. This means you’ll grow to share personal information with them for a number of reasons. After all, you have no reason not to trust them. Unfortunately, you may find that your spouse is not who you thought they were. Domestic identity theft is a significant problem for many, and it can be devastating to learn that your spouse has breached your trust and compromised your identity. If your spouse stole your identity, it’s important to connect with a California domestic identity theft lawyer equipped to handle these matters. Keep reading to learn more about this offense and what you should do if you are a victim.

What Is Domestic Identity Theft?

Domestic identity theft occurs when someone with whom you share a close relationship, typically a spouse or partner, steals your identity. This can take many forms, all of which can impact the future of your finances. In most cases, however, this involves a spouse using the others credit cards without permission.

However, because you live together and share passwords and sensitive information, your spouse can easily access your personal information. Additionally, they can look through your mail, devices, and bills to access additional information necessary to commit identity theft.

It’s important to understand that in many instances domestic identity theft can be a form of domestic violence, as it can qualify as financial abuse. Your partner may feel entitled to your funds and identity, which can hurt your future, making it harder for you to leave. This is because you may not qualify for an apartment or mortgage if they ruin your credit score.

How Should I Proceed if My Spouse Stole My Identity?

If you have reason to believe your spouse stole your identity, understanding how to respond is critical. Generally, the first step you should take is to secure your accounts. This includes placing a freeze on your bank account and credit card and contacting the credit bureaus to place a fraud alert on your report.

You should also consider filing a police report against your spouse for the theft. Though you may feel guilty, filing a report is often a key part of reclaiming your identity.

There are many steps you must take when you are the victim of domestic identity theft that can make it challenging to recover your identity. As such, the dedicated team at Loker Law APC is ready to help. We understand how tough these matters can be which is why we will do everything in our power to help you regain control of your identity and financial future. Connect with us today to learn how we can fight for you.

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