Loker Law

San Jose, CA Identity Theft Attorneys

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San Jose, CA Identity Theft Attorneys

It is possible for someone to open new bank accounts under your name, charge purchases to your credit account that you may not be aware of until they negatively impact your credit report, or even steal your tax refund using your identity. Identity thieves commit fraud every two seconds in the United States. If you have fallen victim to identity theft, our San Jose identity theft attorneys can help you remedy the situation, including any credit issues, as well as sue the responsible third party. Loker Law identity can help you fight for your rights! Contact us now to set up a free consultation.

The Rise Of Identity Theft

Identity theft is on the rise and has become one of the fastest-growing crimes in the U.S. (and in other countries as well). The FTC offers help to victims of identity theft, but by the time victims find out that they are indeed victims of stolen identities, it’s usually too late. When someone obtains your personal identifying information and poses as you, they are committing identity theft. Someone could have your birth date or your Social Security number and take out loans, or make other financial transactions under your name that can destroy your credit rating.

The information that identity thieves steal also varies. Simple biographical information, such as your name, address, and birthday, is useful. Some criminals may pay more for your information if you include your Social Security number (SSN). The cost will go up even more if a driver’s license number is added. Other items that can be used to steal your identity include:

  • Bank account numbers
  • Credit card numbers
  • Phone numbers
  • Email passwords
  • Biometric data
  • And others….

What You Can Do If You’re A Victim Of Identity Theft

Filing a civil action can provide you with redress against the person who defrauded you, if they can be identified. More importantly, you could file claims against other people and institutions who enabled the fraud to occur in the first place. 

You could seek restitution and legal action against a variety of organizations. Any company, group, or other entity that is in possession of your personally identifiable information may be held accountable for failing to protect it.

These entities may include:

  • Banks
  • Credit unions
  • Creditors
  • Employers
  • Online retailers
  • And more

If any of these institutions failed to adequately protect your information and your identity was subsequently compromised, you could sue both the entity and the person who perpetrated the fraud.

Schemes For Committing Identity Theft

There are numerous ways identity theft can occur. In some cases, the theft is the result of a random criminal act carried out by a stranger. Other times, a trusted third party uses personally identifiable information belonging to a client, customer, or employee.

Some of the more prevalent sources of identity theft include:

  • Plain larceny. Some cases of identity theft are clear-cut. A stolen wallet can yield something far more valuable than cash: your identity. A driver’s license, credit card, or social security card in the wrong hands could lead to identity theft.
  • Skimming. Skimming is a high-tech method of stealing credit cards, where a skimmer is attached to a credit card scanner, reading the card, and recording the number, despite the transaction appearing normal to the user.
  • Dumpster diving. The act of rummaging through trash cans to find discarded documents like credit card statements, medical records, or utility bills is illegal. To avoid having your information inappropriately shredded, it is recommended.
  • Phishing. Emails from financial institutions can be used to steal your identity by providing a link to a website that collects your information if clicked, potentially posing a security risk.
  • Data breach. Identity theft can occur simultaneously due to online data breaches, where hackers access a website’s database and steal user information, affecting many people simultaneously.

Loker Law: Your Identity Theft Advocate

If you are an identity theft victim in the San Jose area, you will need to find experienced, knowledgeable professionals to help you get the justice you deserve for the crime committed against you. Loker Law is the right choice to serve as your San Jose identity theft attorneys! We have experience with identity theft cases and know what it takes to win. At Loker Law, we will go the extra mile to help you recover from this crime and fight for your rights. You can reach out to us for help with reporting the theft, fighting fraudulent charges, or taking legal action against the person responsible for this unlawful act. Call us today to schedule a free consultation and see how we can help you fight back against identity theft. 

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