Loker Law

Can A Lawyer Help Me if I’m in Medical Debt?

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When served with papers for the medical debt you’ve incurred, you can feel overwhelmed and anxious as a result. Not only are you in debt, but now there’s a legal battle hanging over your head. Though this can feel like it will ruin your life, there’s no need to panic. There are options, so you don’t have to suffer by yourself. If you’re in medical debt, ensuring you have a California debt defense attorney on your side is essential to navigating the process.

How Does Medical Debt Happen?

Medical debt can happen in an instant. Though unfortunate, emergency surgery following an accident or injury can leave you drowning in debt due to the astronomical prices.

Similarly, billing mistakes on behalf of the finance department can make it challenging to pay off your expenses. For example, if the provider forgets to submit a claim to your insurance company or uses the wrong code to indicate treatment, you may be charged for the incorrect care. This can lead to disputes and confusion, meaning you won’t pay your bills until it is resolved. During this time, the provider can turn your debt over to collections.

Also, thinking that your insurance company covers the care, only to find out they denied your provider’s claim can lead to debt. Your insurance provider can reject the treatment if they deem it not medically necessary. This can leave you paying for treatment you may not have agreed to if you knew it wasn’t covered.

What If I’m Being Harrassed by Collectors?

When debt collectors contact you on behalf of the entity you owe money to, they must follow guidelines. This is because consumers are protected under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This means a collector cannot harass you via phone, use vulgar or threatening language, contact you without identifying themselves, or publish your name.

If you are being harassed by a collection agency for medical debts you owe, you do not have to suffer the abuses. Just as an attorney can help defend you against medical debt, they can also protect you from unfair collection practices.

How Can a Lawyer Assist?

Unfortunately, when you do not pay your medical bills, you’re technically breaching a contract, even if you didn’t sign anything. When you obtain medical care, you consent to pay your bill on time. No matter what the reason for not paying is, ensuring you have a competent attorney on your side is crucial.

A lawyer can help craft a defense for your precise circumstances to protect you from unfair debt. Similarly, you may also be able to reach a settlement and work out a payment plan with your healthcare provider with the assistance of your attorney.

When you need help, Loker Law is here to help. We have the experience to represent you and will fight to provide the best possible outcome for your circumstances.

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