Owing debt can put you in a precarious position. Though the majority of Americans are in some sort of debt, you may still be embarrassed or stressed about your circumstances. Unfortunately, an abusive debt collector can make this process even more anxiety-inducing for you. However, you may not know that you can hold them liable for damages you’ve incurred as a result of FDCPA violations. Keep reading to learn more about what compensation you can recover and how a California debt collection harassment lawyer can assist you during these challenging times.
What Are FDCPA Violations?
The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) is a set of rules and regulations surrounding how debt collectors can pursue the funds they are owed. Many who owe a debt assume they have no rights as a consumer, which is far from the truth. The following behaviors and actions are examples of violations debt collectors may commit when pursuing compensation:
- Repeatedly calling you during a short period of time
- Calling you at work after you’ve told them you cannot take personal calls
- Speaking to anyone other than you or your attorney about your debt
- Publishing your name as a debtor
- Misrepresenting themselves as a police officer or lawyer
- Lying about how much you owe
- Threatening to have you arrested
- Threatening physical violence
While this is not a comprehensive list of violations, these are some of the most common. It’s important to consider that unless you fear for your safety, calling the police will not prevent a collector from continuing to contact you. As such, you must contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible to help you through these circumstances.
What Kinds of Damages Can I Recover?
It’s important to understand that if you are the victim of an FDCPA violation, you can recover compensation as a result. In many instances, you may find that you’ve suffered ramifications that would not occur if the debt collector followed the FDCPA guidelines.
Even if you did not suffer additional damages, you are eligible to recover up to $1,000 per violation. These are known as statutory damages, as the amount is pre-determined.
However, you may suffer emotional distress or even a loss of income as a result of the debt collector’s actions. As such, it’s essential to understand that you may be able to recover damages as a result with the assistance of an experienced attorney.
At Loker Law, we understand how stressful dealing with a malicious debt collector can be. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping consumers recover the damages they’re entitled to. If you’ve suffered at the hands of a collector because they violated the FDCPA, our firm can help fight to hold them liable. Contact us today to learn more about how our dedicated legal team can help guide you through these difficult times.